Antimicrobial Resistance Strategy

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is recognised as a growing threat to human and animal health around the world.

Veterinarians have a critical role to play in combatting and managing the risks of AMR. To better support vets with this important work, the Veterinary Council of New Zealand (VCNZ) is developing a new AMR strategy.

This work will include:

  • Reviewing the historic and current use of antimicrobials across the animal health industry in the context of acceptable national and international standards.
  • Gaining an in-depth understanding of why more progress hasn’t been made, despite efforts by many people and organisations.
  • Understanding veterinarians’ perceptions of AMR and the role they play in combatting it.
  • Setting strategic goals for responsible antimicrobial use within the profession.
  • Planning how and when we will use our tools (e.g. rule-making and enforcement, stakeholder partnerships, and thought-leadership) to achieve these goals.

Throughout this process, there will be opportunities for all veterinarians and other industry stakeholders to contribute their thoughts, ideas and feedback. More information will be shared as this work begins.

If you have any questions, please contact us. If you would like to be involved, you can let us know by filling out our interest form.